Channeling Our Ancestors 

On April 18, 2024, our ancestors, from Sam Sharpe to my dad, must have been proud looking down to see my brother Ronald Sharpe making his first presentation to the United Nations Permanent Forum on (for) People of African Descent (PFPAD) at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland.

As one of the leads of the Federal Black Employee Caucus (FBEC) | Caucus des employés fédéraux noirs (CEFN), Ronald took his two minutes to speak to efforts being undertaken within the government of Canada to address the unique forms of racism and discrimination that Black employees face within the Federal Public Service. This was the first time FBEC has presented at an international body.

He also spoke on behalf of the Atlantic Equity And Research Alliance (AEARA) about the work underway to improve the lives of Black people living in his home province of New Brunswick and across the Maritime provinces in Canada.
Some of the recommendations he shared were:

1.      To extend the UNDPAD for an additional ten years;
2.      To establish a Special Reparations Tribunal at the United Nations;
3.      To establish a Black Equity Commissioner in Canada; and
4.      Ensure that leaders promote effective measures in supporting positive outcomes for Black Canadians.

The PFPAD was established during the UN International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024 (UNDPAD). Over the last five years, the Decade has served as a policy driver that underpinned the establishment of FBEC and the work currently underway to support of Black communities across Canada.

Ronald’s presentation was a historic moment for both FBEC and AEARA.