Rising 2024: Black Excellence & Canadian Policy!
The Federal Black Employee Caucus (FBEC) supports efforts at the national, regional, and local levels to address issues faced by Black federal public servants.

A Message from the Prime Minister of Canada
Diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice. By extending our efforts under the International Decade for People of African Descent in Canada, we are reaffirming our commitment to support Black Canadians. Using the frameworks set out by the UN, we will invest in Black-led programs, advance racial justice, and ensure Black Canadians have the opportunities they deserve to reach their full potential.
In 2018, Canada endorsed the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent (“UN Decade”), which runs from 2015 to 2024. As a response, the government made several budget commitments aimed at addressing issues affecting Black Communities in Canada and pledged to work with communities to advance positive changes under the UN Decade. Within the Federal Public Service, the UN Decade served as a foundational piece in helping to inform the Clerk’s Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion and Forward Direction.
On February 7, 2024, the Prime Minister announced an extension of the UN Decade until 2028 in Canada. The Black Executives Network / Le Réseau des exécutifs noirs (BEN/REN), in partnership with the Federal Black Employee Network (FBEC), in support with other Black Networks, identified a need to organize a national conference as away to assess the impact of current policies and programs under the UN Decade themes of Recognition, Justice, and Development; and to inform and shape future initiatives, ensuring they effectively advance the rights and well-being of Black communities in Canada leading up to 2028 and beyond.

The United Nations Decade For People of African Descent In Canada

Our goal
Provide a conference that will bring together external and internal-to-government stakeholders to learn, discuss and assess Canada’s policies and programs implemented under the UN Decade since 2018. The outcomes from these discussions will be used to inform and shape future initiatives for Black communities in Canada.
Key Objectives
- Facilitate a space for full Black perspectives, including considerations of accessibility, bilingualism, and regional intersectionality, in policy development and implementation.
- Mobilize external and internal-to-government stakeholders to examine how policies and programs have advanced Black communities under the UN Decade themes of Recognition, Justice and Development since 2018.
Key Results
- Collection of input and ideas that will shape future UN Decade initiatives towards 2028, in accordance with the Clerk’s Call to Action and the Forward Direction.
- Strategies are identified and presented to senior leaders at all levels of government to create tangible opportunities and improvements for Black communities.
- Additional details Produce a comprehensive report of progress made and identify areas for improvement to be addressed by the government.
500 participants
Comprised of government employees; Black networks; and Black-led/Black-focused not-for-profits, charities and businesses.
Program Themes
UN Decade policy review
Assess Canada’s progress in implementing policies, programs and initiatives under the UN Decade and identify areas for improvement.
Discuss the state of collection and analysis of disaggregated Employment Equity data for Black employees in Canada.
UN Decade policy review
Assess Canada’s progress in implementing policies, programs and initiatives under the UN Decade and identify areas for improvement.
Discuss the state of collection and analysis of disaggregated Employment Equity data for Black employees in Canada.
Racial Equity and Social Justice
Highlight community-led initiatives and grassroots organizations working to empower and uplift Black communities.
Discuss strategies to enhance community engagement and participation in decision-making processes with government.
Community Engagement
Discuss issues related to representation of Black Canadians in the workforce, including strategies for recruitment, retention, and advancement in public and private institutions.
Discuss ways to preserve and promote Afrocentric cultures, traditions, and heritage in Canada.
Education, Training and Awareness
Examine health disparities faced by Black Canadians; discuss strategies to improve access to healthcare and address social determinants of health.
Examine the root causes of systemic racism that adversely impacts mental health outcomes within the Black community in Canada